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Esta é a versão mais recente. O objetivo é permitir ao leitor entrar em comunhão espiritual entre os Santos Padres e a corrente de graça da RCC, que já mudou a vida de mais de 150 milhões de católicos desde seus primórdios.
Então Pedro Levantou a Voz…
50 anos de mensagens dos Papas à Renovação Carismática Católica, desde os seus primórdios até ao Jubileu.
€ 13.00
Título Original: Then Peter Stood Up… 1967-2017
Compilador: Oreste Pesare
Published by: ICCRS
Ano: 2018 (3a Edição)
Peso: 476 gr
Língua: Inglês
We rejoice with you, dear friends, at the renewal of the spiritual life manifested in the Church today, in different forms and in various environments. Certain common features appear in this renewal: the taste for deep prayer, personal and in groups, a return to contemplation and an emphasis on praise of God, the desire to devote oneself completely to Christ, an openness to the Holy Spirit, more assiduous reading of the Scriptures, generous brotherly devotion, a willingness to serve the Church. In all this, we can recognize the mysterious and hidden work of the Spirit, who is the soul of the Church.
I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is proclaimed throughout the world” (Rm 1:8). The Catholic Charismatic Renewal has helped many Christians to rediscover the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in their lives, in the life of the Church and in the world; and this rediscovery has awakened in them a faith in Christ filled with joy, a great love of the Church and a generous dedication to her evangelizing mission.
The Movements and New Communities are like an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the Church and in contemporary society. We can, therefore, rightly say that one of the positive elements and aspects of the Community of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal is precisely their emphasis on the charisms or gifts of the Holy Spirit and their merit lies in having recalled their topicality in the Church.
Share with all in the Church the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, praise the Lord ceaselessly, walk together with Christians of different Churches and Christian communities in prayer and in action for those most in need. Serve the poorest and the sick, this is what the Church and the Pope expect of you, Catholic Charismatic Renewal, but from all of you: all, all of you who have entered in this current of grace! Thank you.
Previous editions of this book are available in other countries and languages:
Then Peter stood up…
Updated 2012 Version
The previous edition of this book, translated into eight languages, has sold widely worldwide.
Italia (Italy)
Title: Allora Pietro si alzò…
Year: 2002 (1st edition)
Publishing house: Edizioni RnS
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Croatian (Croatia)
Title: A Petar ustade…
Year: 2000 (1st edition)
Publishing house: Kristofori
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Polish (Poland)
Title: Wtedy Piotr wstał…
Year: 2000 (1st edition)
Publishing house: Publishing House M.
Contact information: www
French (France)
Title: Et Pierre se leva..
Year: 2000 (1st edition, updated in 2006)
Publishing house: Éditions des Béatitudes
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Portuguese (Brazil)
Title: Então Pedro se levantou…
Year: 2000 (1st edition)
Publishing house: Editora COMDEUS
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Romanian (Romania)
Title: Atunci Petru s-a ridicat…
Year: 2006 (1st edition)
Publishing house: Serafica
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Chinese (China)
Title: Then Peter Stood up…
Year: 2000 (1st edition)
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