Progetto di Formazione
International Catholic Charismatic Leadership Formation Programs: LFI, LTC, and ITCSiamo spiacenti, ma questa pagina non è stata ancora tradotta.
Responding to the call which Pope John Paul II made in the year 2000 to all Movements concerning the urgency and necessity of forming disciples in accordance with the heart of Jesus, ICCRS has developed an international Formation Project for the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR) based on the theology of the Holy Spirit and on Charismatic spirituality.
International • Catholic • Charismatic • Leadership Formation
ICCRS has established the ICCRS international Formation Project (FP) for leaders in the CCR, strengthening the current, and raising up a new generation of leaders. It is, likewise, a means to accomplish the central goals of CCR in accordance to the ICCRS Statutes:
“The central goals of CCR, or Catholic Pentecostal Renewal as it is also called, include:
‘[…] To foster the ongoing growth in holiness through the proper integration of these charismatic emphases with the full life of the Church. This is accomplished through participation in a rich sacramental and liturgical life, and appreciation of the tradition of Catholic prayer and spirituality, and ongoing formation in Catholic doctrine. This is guided by the Church’s Magisterium, and participation in the pastoral plan of the Church.'”

Because the very nature of ICCRS is international, the project will have an international perspective. The staff, faculty, and students, come from all parts of the world. The Leadership Formation Institute (LFI) is held in Rome, an international city and the heart of the universal Church. The Leadership Training Course (LTC) is held on-site in the diverse continents.

ICCRS is unashamedly committed to the teachings, traditions, and Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church. It understands that the Charismatic Renewal is not a movement unto itself but a grace of God at work within the Church, at the service of the Church. Our presenters and programmes will be from a Catholic perspective.

Each course is committed to being a truly charismatic experience. It offers sound teaching on Charismatic Renewal, practical help in exercising the charisms, and an immersion experience into a truly Charismatic lifestyle.

It is a significant aspect of the Formation Project, therefore, the curriculum will include the shared wisdom of successful and experienced Charismatic Renewal leaders, practical equipping of the students, and training in key leadership issues from a multi-dimensional perspective.
In holding Leadership Formation Institutes in Rome, ICCRS is able to expose its students to the very heart of the Catholic Church and allow the students to be plunged into the history, heritage, and culture of the universal Church. During the one week Leadership Training Courses, ICCRS organizes a meeting with the local Bishop and various Catholic pilgrimage sites.
A three-week course organised in Rome.
Potential candidates are people of all ages delegated from charismatic organizations worldwide who want to spend some time of their lives being formed in leadership within the Catholic Charismatic Renewal.
A one-week course, abroad.
A one-week course organised in different countries in collaboration with local Charismatic Renewal realities.
One week of intensive intercession training, abroad.
A Call to Prophetic Intercession in the power of the Holy Spirit
“Pray in the Spirit at all times in every prayer and supplication.” Eph 6:18 (NRSV)
“You did not choose me but I chose you.” John 15:16 (NRSV)
A one-week in-depth training on the exercise of charisms
These signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will drive out demons, they will speak new languages. They will pick up serpents [with their hands], and if they drink any deadly thing, it will not harm them. They will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.” Mark 16:17-18
“To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit.” 1 Corinthians 12:7
Dreams for the Future
University of the Holy Spirit
As a response to the clear indications of the Church, ICCRS has developed a ‘dream’… to let the project of a University of the Holy Spirit —focused on the study of our faith from a pneumatological point of view— become a reality in the city of Rome.
A Third Level of Formation
An academic level of formation is currently being finalized with Pontifical faculties to create a Masters in “Theology of the Holy Spirit and Charisms in the Catholic Church” —an opportunity for leaders in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal to go more in-depth into the theology of the mystery of Pentecost and have new experiences in the release of the Holy Spirit.
We are encouraged by:
Sacred Scriptures
“Take strength from the grace which is in Christ Jesus. Pass on to reliable people what you have heard from me through many witnesses, so that they in turn will be able to teach others.”
“But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it.”
The Magisterium
“…encouragement must be given to the lay associations, movements and groups, whether their aim is the practice of piety, the direct apostolate, charity and relief work, or a Christian presence in temporal matters. They will all accomplish their objectives better, and serve the Church better, if they give an important place in their internal organization and their method of action to the serious religious training of their members. In this way every association of the faithful in the Church has by definition the duty to educate in the faith.”
The Hierarchy of the Church
Pope John Paul II’s Mandate to ICCRS
Saint John Paul II highlighted the need for a solid and profound Christian formation, saying:
“ICCRS will have an important part to play in bringing a mature ecclesial consciousness to the various Catholic charismatic communities in the world.
“[…] In our world, the faith of many is being put severely to the test and not infrequently has been worn out and suffocated. So, be warned that there is an urgent need for solid and profound Christian formation…which needs mature Christian people conscious of their baptismal identity and of their vocation and mission in the Church and in the world!… I am certain that ICCRS will have an important part to play in bringing a mature ecclesial consciousness to the various Catholic charismatic communities in the world.
“[…] The role of ICCRS is to coordinate and promote the exchange of experience and thinking within the worldwide catholic charismatic community.”
Message of Pope John Paul II to the participants at the Great Gathering of the Catholic Charismatic Family
Rimini, April 24th 2000
Each training event features the presence of cardinals, bishops, theologians, pioneers in the CCR and renowned charismatic leaders. The contribution of each provides a spiritual and doctrinal richness that make of courses authentic spaces of growth in the life of faith and personal lives of participants.

Among many others, we name here some of the teachers who have given their precious contribution to the ICCRS Formation Project:
- Card. Stanislaw Rylko (President of the Pontifical Council for the Laity)
- Card. James Stafford (Major Penitentiary Emeritus of the Apostolic Penitentiary, Former President of the Pontifical Council for the Laity)
- Bp. Josef Clemens (Secretary of the Pontifical Council for the Laity)
- Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa (Preacher to the Papal Household)
- Fr. Tom Forrest (Pioneer in CCR)
- Sr. Nancy Kellar (Pioneer in CCR)
- Fr. Rufus Pereira (Former ICCRS Councillor, Exorcist)
- Charles Whitehead (Former ICCRS President)
- Allan Panozza (Former ICCRS President)
- Michelle Moran (Former ICCRS President)
- Oreste Pesare (ICCRS Director)
- Jim Murphy (ICCRS President and Director of the ICCRS Formation Project)
- Mary Healy (Chairman of the ICCRS Doctrinal Commission)

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
What is the difference between the LTC and the LFI?
The Leadership Training Course and the Leadership Formation Institute are very similar in curriculum and focus yet are quite different in experience.
The advantage of the LTC is that because it is only one week long and held in a regional area, it is accessible to more people.
The advantage of the LFI is that because it is three weeks long you are able to cover much more material much more deeply. You also have a chance to develop deeper friendships with the other students. In addition, the Institute’s presence in Rome allows the students to interact with Vatican personnel and savour the Church’s historical richness that is uniquely available in the Eternal City.
Who should attend these programmes?
Is there much personal time during these programmes?
There is personal time, but you will need to discipline yourself to use it effectively. The schedule is very full but manageable.