Instituto de Formación en Liderazgo (LFI)
“Lo que hemos oído y aprendido, lo que nos contaron nuestros padres, no queremos ocultarlo a nuestros hijos, lo narraremos a la próxima generación: son las glorias del Señor y su poder, las maravillas que él realizó.” Sal 78, 3-4
ICCRS ofrece un programa del Instituto de Formación en Liderazgo. Es un curso intensivo de tres semanas cerca del corazón de la Iglesia en Roma, Italia.
Las clases incluyen estudios en Escrituras, Eclesiología, Pneumatología, Mariología, Kerigma, Renovación Carismática Católica, Liderazgo y Ministerio. Se ofrecerá a los estudiantes enseñanzas prácticas y talleres de variados aspectos del ministerio dentro de la Renovación Carismática Católica. Además, los estudiantes van a varias visitas a sitios cristianos, y dicasterios de la Curia Romana.
El Instituto de Formación en Liderazgo de ICCRS comenzó como respuesta a la invitación de Juan Pablo II de fomentar la “madurez eclesial” entre líderes de la RCC.
Personas de todas las edades delegados de organizaciones carismáticas alrededor del mundo están invitadas a tener una experiencia de crecimiento en liderazgo dentro de la RCC. El programa es desarrollado principalmente en inglés, pero se pone a disposición en otras lenguas dependiendo el número de las solicitudes.

Se siente, entonces, con urgencia la necesidad de un anuncio fuerte y de una sólida y profunda formación cristiana. ¡Cuánta necesidad existe hoy de personalidades cristianas maduras, conscientes de su identidad bautismal, de su vocación y misión en la Iglesia y en el mundo!

- Dar a las personas fundamentos teológicos y eclesiales para el servicio.
- Dar a las personas información práctica y de ayuda acerca de servir a la Iglesia profundizando la dimensión carismática.
- Dar a las personas una oportunidad para experimentar el poder transformador del amor de Dios.
- Crear una red para que las personas compartan sus experiencias, apoyo y recursos.
Nuestra visión es tener líderes capaces, situados alrededor de todo el mundo, utilizando los carismas para el servicio de la Iglesia. Vemos una red mundial de hombres y mujeres que tienen una experiencia compartida y una comprensión de la formación en liderazgo y servicio, quienes sirven a la Iglesia y al mundo con sus talentos, y los dones del Espíritu Santo.

Plan de estudios
Lo sentimos, pero esta sección no ha sido traducida.
We will offer the following:
Catholic Charismatic Renewal
- CCR 01: History of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal
- Link to Pentecost * Century of the Holy Spirit * Protestant role * Duquesne Weekend * CCR * ICCRS * Meetings with Popes
- CCR 02: Current Situation in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal
- Ecumenism * Interacting with other ecclesial realities * The «new communities» * Vatican relations * «ecclesial maturity»
- CCR 03: Strengths and challenges of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal
- A survey of strengths, weakness, contributions, and challenges within CCR
- ECL 01: History of the Church from the time of Jesus to 500 A.D.
- Peter and the 12 * Pentecost * Early Missionary activity * Persecution * Legalization of Christianity * Struggles * Heresies
- ECL 02: History of the Church from 500 A.D. to 1500 A.D.
- The Church grows in power * Split between East and West * Crusades * Secularization creeps into Church * Protestantism
- ECL 03: History of the Church from 1500 A.D. to the Second Vatican Council
- The age of enlightenment * Missionary activity * Church/secular tensions
- ECL 04: The Second Vatican Council (Part 1)
- Brief history of the council * Brief history of the two conciliar Popes * Key documents of the Council
- ECL 05: The Second Vatican Council (Part 2)
- The fruit of the council * How the council has impacted the Church
- ECL 06: The Post-Conciliar Church
- The Church today * Responding to Vatican II * The Church and the world * Struggles within the Church
- ECL 07: The activity of the Holy Spirit throughout Church history (part 1)
- Highlights of the Spirit’s activity in the life and struggles of the Church
- ECL 08: The activity of the Holy Spirit throughout Church history (part 2)
- Highlights of the Spirit’s activity in the life and struggles of the Church (continued from above)
- ECL 09: Men of the Spirit
- A survey of male saints or key church figures who were devoted to the Spirit or used charisms
- ECL 10: Women of the Spirit
- A survey of female saints or key Church figures who were devoted to the Spirit or used charisms
Leadership and Ministry
- LDR 01: Leading a prayer meeting
- Managing the key elements of a successful prayer meeting
- LDR 02: Dealing with conflict
- Dealing with conflict between individuals as well as groups * Conflict resolution * How to speak truth * How to disagree * Reconciliation * Negotiation
- LDR 03: Discerning Spiritual Phenomena
- Criteria to discern vision, apparitions, prophecies, spiritual experiences, etc
- LDR 04: Offering one-on-one ministry
- How to pastor, pray and care for individuals * Dealing with needy people
- LDR 05: Giving a Teaching
- How to discern topic * How to prepare teaching * How to deliver teaching
- LDR 06: Leading Dynamic Praise and Worship
- The value of praise and worship * Scriptural models * Techniques to foster praise and worship in a group setting
- LDR 07: Dealing with Evil
- Recognizing and discerning the presence and influence of evil * How to deal with evil forces * Church teaching * Clerical/Lay role
- LDR 08: Leadership Styles
- A survey of various leadership styles, personalities and how to work within different models of leadership
- LDR 09: Models of Structures
- A survey of various models and structures within the Renewal (community, prayer group, etc) strengths and weaknesses
- LDR 10: Group Dynamics
- Key elements of the dynamics of working with both small and large groups
- LDR 11: Life of a Leader (Part 1)
- Vision of a what a godly leader is * Dangers in the life of a leader * Living a «balanced» life
- LDR 12: Life of a Leader (Part 2)
- What a leader needs to do to stay healthy * Safeguards for leaders * The disciplines necessary for a leader

- KRG 01: The Basic Message of Salvation
- The basic message of man’s need for salvation * the role of the Redeemer * What Christ accomplished * Need to apply
- KRG 02: Proclaiming the Basic Message of Salvation
- How to convey the basic message to others in a simple format * techniques of basic evangelization
- MRY 01: Mary and The Holy Spirit
- Mary’s relationship to the Holy Spirit * Mary’s place in story of salvation * proper devotion to Mary
- MRY 02: Mary – disciple of Jesus
- Various scenarios of Mary in scripture and applicable lessons for our lives
- PNU 01: Old Testament Survey (Part 1)
- An overview of references to and experiences of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament
- PNU 02: Old Testament Survey (Part 2)
- Continuation of the above
- PNU 03: New Testament Survey (Part 1)
- An overview of references to and experiences of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament focus on Gospels and Acts
- PNU 04: New Testament Survey (Part 2)
- An overview of references to and experiences of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament focus on Epistles
- PNU 05: Patristic Reflections (Part 1)
- A survey of the teachings, reflections and experiences by the Church Fathers (and Mothers) on the Holy Spirit
- PNU 06: Patristic Reflections (Part 2)
- A survey of the teachings, reflections and experiences by the Church Fathers (and Mothers) on the Holy Spirit (continued from above)
- PNU 07: Ecclesial Understanding of the Holy Spirit (part 1)
- The Holy Spirit in the Church’s creed, teaching, liturgy, and theology today
- PNU 08: Ecclesial Understanding of the Holy Spirit (part 2)
- The Holy Spirit in the Church’s creed, teaching, liturgy, and theology today (continued from above)
- PNU 09: The Holy Spirit in the Sacraments
- The Holy Spirit’s activity through the sacraments
- PNU 10: Baptism in the Holy Spirit (Part 1)
- Description and various understandings of what Baptism in the Holy Spirit is.
- PNU 11: Baptism in the Holy Spirit (Part 2)
- (Continuation of above) What happens to people in Baptism of Holy Spirit
- PNU 12: Baptism in the Holy Spirit (Part 3)
- (Continuation of above) What are the effects of Baptism of Holy Spirit? * Fruit of Spirit * Conversion
- PNU 13: Manifestations of the Spirit (Part 1)
- An understanding of the concept of charism * Listing and explanation of some of the more common charisms.
- PNU 14: Manifestations of the Spirit (Part 2)
- What the Church teaches about charisms * What the popes say about charisms * How to discern the authenticity of charism
- PNU 15: Manifestations of the Spirit (Part 3)
- Relationship between charism and the individual who manifests charism
- SCR 01: The History and Structure of the Bible
- Where we got the Bible from * Scripture and Tradition * Inspiration of Biblical writers * Catholic understanding of Bible
- SCR 02: Overview of the Old Testament
- Basic structure, survey of key themes, basic timeline
- SCR 03: Overview of the New Testament
- Basic structure, survey of key themes, basic timeline
Requisitos para la participación
Para participar, debes ser un líder (o futuro líder) de un grupo de oración o de una comunidad en la Renovación Carismática Católica deseoso de un crecimiento más profundo en el liderazgo. Obtén una carta de recomendación de la Comité Nacional de Servidores de tu país o de los líderes de tu comunidad, además de una carta de tu sacerdote párroco o director espiritual. En síntesis, entrega lo siguiente:
- Una foto de pasaporte.
- Un breve curriculum vitae con evidencia de antecedentes en liderazgo.
- Carta de recomendación de tu Comité Nacional de Servidores o de los líderes de tu comunidad.
- Carta de recomendación de tu sacerdote párroco o director espiritual.
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