One-week of intensive intercession training
Intercession Training Course (ITC)
“Pray in the Spirit at all times in every prayer and supplication.” Eph 6:18
“You did not choose me but I chose you.” Jn 15:16
The International Intercession Training Course, “A call to prophetic Intercession” is an event of the International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services (ICCRS).
ICCRS’ ITC is a one-week school. It is the concrete realization of the desire to form a large family of intercessors worldwide. Intercession, being at the heart of evangelization and mission, is well rooted in the Catholic tradition. It concerns all Christians, not just those who are members of a particular group or movement.
St. Paul, as with the Ephesians Christian community, makes this appeal: “Pray in the Spirit at all times in every prayer and supplication.” (Ep 6:18)
May that request be an invitation for us to turn to the Father, in the Spirit of Jesus.
The course includes Mass, Holy Hour and charismatic praise and worship on a daily basis, as well as silent Eucharistic adoration, intercessory rosary, various talks on intercession, intercession outreach in groups/prophetic intercession in groups, and so on.

Why an ITC?
The first Intercession Training Course (ITC) was organized in Trois Rivières, (Canada) in 2015. 500 people from 31 countries participated.
Sensing the powerful move of the Spirit, and desiring to make the information and experience available to as many people as possible, ICCRS has decided to offer ITCs in all continents, regions and nations that would like to host the course.
The ICCRS Intercession Training Course is a way for ICCRS to deepen intercession in the Church worldwide. ICCRS is pleased to partner with local Charismatic realities worldwide in order to provide this programme that will train and equip those who sense a calling for intercession and to promote the ministry of intercession.

The goal of the ITC is to train intercessors and potential intercessors in serving the Church in the ministry of prophetic intercession in the power of the Holy Spirit. We provide this programme locally during 4 full days of training (6 days in total, including the arrival and departure days).
- Growth in holiness,
- Development of trust in God in all things.
- Deeper spiritual reflection.
- Meditation on the life of Jesus, the main intercessor.
- Full opening to the Holy Spirit, who is dwelling in us, strengthens us and gives us all the tools necessary for intercession.
At ICCRS we are convinced that intercession is the need of the hour, for the Church and for the world. We need to build up and strengthen the army of intercessors worldwide so that a new Pentecost can renew the face of the earth.

Several topics will be discussed such as:
What is intercession? Deepening our understanding
The call and urgency of intercession
Spiritual warfare in intercession
The repentant intercessor
Prophetic intercession
Suffering and intercession
The four wheels of intercession: Personal prayer, Word of God, Sacraments and fellowship
Tools for effective intercession

Requirements for Participation
- One passport photo.
- Brief curriculum vitae with evidence of a leadership background.
- Letter of recommendation from your National Service Committee or leaders of your Community.
- Letter of recommendation from your parish priest or spiritual director.
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