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« A chacun la manifestation de l’Esprit est donnée en vue du bien commun. »

1 Corinthiens 12,7

27 – 31 March 2019

Langue: Anglais

The first ICCRS CHARISM School will be held in Victoria, Australia beginning on Wednesday 27 March and concluding on Sunday 31 March 2019.

This School, the first to be held for ICCRS, will include excellent teachings along with dynamic workshops, personal prayer and empowerment.  Topics will cover many Charisms of the Holy Spirit and explore ways in which these gifts can be used in everyday life.


  • Ann Brereton
  • Christof Hemberger

For more information about the Charisms Schools visit our ICS page.  See below for other upcoming schools.

To contact Ann Brereton, Oceania ICCRS Representative:

6 + 14 =

Upcoming Schools

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