18 February 2015

A worldwide day of prayer for and with youth of the Charismatic Renewal before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.


God is good!

In November 2013 in Bethlehem Jesus invited us to come to him and he will give us new power.

So we invited the youth of the CCR to this amazing encounter with Jesus called “Come to me!”. And the response was amazing:

On February 18, 2015, youth from 50 countries together with one heart in the presence of the Eucharist at the same time, in their own place, interceding for one hour and experiencing a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit!

From Chile to New Zealand, and from Sweden to South Africa, countless youth cried out for revival!

Praise God for he is faithful! And thanks to all those who responded to this call.

Pictures and testimonies.

Archive Information

Invitation to “Come to Me!” 2015

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

“Come to Me!”

On 31 May 2014 thousands of CCR youth, joining together 50 Countries on 6 continents responded in prayer to this call of of the Lord.
We prayed for the conversion of youth and unity among CCR youth. It was a great blessing for all of us. We want to do it again! This time on a very special occasion. Catholic Charismatic Renewal started on 18 February 1967 when a group of students in Duquesne first experienced a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit. This date, 18 February, is ideal for us, the worldwide youth of CCR, to unite again in prayer.
The Lord is calling the youth of the CCR to return to their first love, to
receive again and again His love and to intercede for those young
people around the world who have never met Jesus personally and not
experienced the baptism in the Holy Spirit.

  • Let’s unite again in prayer!
  • Let’s give thanks for this grace that God constantly gives us!
  • Let’s praise the Lord for choosing us to be a gift for the Church!
  • Let’s meet in Spirit and pray for the conversion and renewal of all the youth in this world!
  • Let’s come back to the Lord and receive from Him the growth In spiritual/ maturity for CCR youth!

“Come to Me!” is His invitation to us.

Details for the ICCRS “Come to Me!” Youth Prayer Project, 2015
• Date: 18th February 2015.
• What: gather in prayer for the intentions listed above.
• Location: in our parishes, communities, prayer groups,
• How: preferably in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament.
• Time: one hour in prayer at 19.00 (local time).

Just as for our first project, this is not a central-organized event: All young people and young adults from prayer-groups and communities, ministries, services, schools of evangelization, schools of prayer and anyone who identify themselves as being catholic and with a charismatic experience are called to come together in prayer! You are invited to organize this event in your own location (village, town, city, parish, community house or hall).

Come, gather the youth in your area for this amazing experience!

All around the world we will be gathered together in prayer!

Can you imagine the graces that this event will bring to the world? I
think it is way beyond our imagination!

Be part of it!

If you decide to join in this event please let us know by writing an email with your name and location (country, city) to youthccr@gmail.com. If you have questions or need help, please do not hesitate to contact us! You can also join us and receive information on Facebook. Looking forward to being with you in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ!

Click here to download the flyer

Eva Eberlein-Sido

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