10-15 June 2015 – Basilica of St. John Lateran, Rome
“Called to Holiness for a New Evangelisation.”
Report of the 3rd Worldwide Priest’s Retreat
by Michelle Moran
It was a wonderful experience to gather with over 1,000 priests from 89 countries in St John Lateran Basilica in Rome, for the 3rd worldwide Priests’ retreat. The theme was, ‘called to holiness for a new evangelisation’. This built on the history of the first charismatic Priests’ retreat, held in 1984, which had the theme ‘a call to holiness’ and the second retreat, in 1990, entitled ‘called for a new evangelisation’. The retreat was organised jointly with the Catholic Fraternity and was part of our common journey towards the Great Jubilee of CCR in 2017.
The overall aim of the retreat was to enable the priests to be refreshed and renewed in the power of the Holy Spirit. The Lateran Basilica was the perfect place for the retreat. It became a true spiritual home to many of the priests during those days. The lunch was organised in big tents outside the Basilica. This enabled the priests not only to enjoy their food but also to have an opportunity to meet old friends and new from every part of the world.
The retreat took the form of a spiritual journey following the pathway of Evangelii Gaudium. The journey had the themes of reconciliation, transformation, empowerment and mission. In the mornings, after praise and worship and the liturgical prayer of the Church, there was a talk on the retreat theme and a time of Eucharistic Adoration. The afternoons were more dynamic with testimonies, exhortations and times of ministry.
On the opening evening, Fr Gino Henriquez who had been involved in the organisation of the previous two worldwide Priests’ retreats gave a short testimony and conveyed a greeting from Fr Tom Forrest. After the event he said that it was a beautiful and meaningful retreat and very helpful for him to be part of a large priestly gathering and participate in charismatic prayer. The opening Mass was celebrated by Cardinal Rylko the President of the Pontifical Council for the Laity
There were so many powerful and deep moments during the retreat. It is impossible to share them all. Fr Raniero Cantalamessa gave two of the main retreat themes in his usual very anointed way. Many priests commented on his leading the time of Eucharistic Adoration which was also a beautiful meditation for priests on the Eucharist. Cardinal Peter Turkson, gave a very moving and biblically insightful retreat talk on the theme of reconciliation. This was followed in the afternoon, by Don Livio Tacchini from Italy, giving a very challenging message to the priests on ‘the cost of reconciliation’. This led into a wonderful time for confession and prayer ministry.
The theme of transformation was presented by Fr.Jonas Abib from Brazil. This was followed by a special time of Eucharistic Adoration led by Bishop Sosthens from Cameroon. Many priests shared that as Jesus drew close to them during this time of adoration, they received a very strong anointing.
The three hour intervention of the Holy Father was certainly an unforgettable highlight. Firstly, he addressed the priests in a very fatherly manner speaking as a true shepherd and pastor. Then he answered spontaneous questions, one from each continent. He also wanted to give a priority to priests from the peripheries. It was wonderful hearing him speak with such wisdom and knowledge about a wide range of topics relating to the universal Church. Among the many things he touched on were, the challenges of poverty, secularism, and global and political matters. He recognised the challenge priests have of meeting pastoral needs and remaining faithful to their missionary mandate. The day ended with, at the request of the Holy Father, a ‘simple Eucharistic Celebration’. It was the feast of the Sacred Heart and in his homily the Pope spoke in a very moving way about the tenderness of God and how we need to allow ourselves to be drawn into His love, mercy and divine embrace.
After the time with the Pope, the anointing of the Holy Spirit seemed to be flowing in an even more powerful way. So our final full day with the theme of empowerment certainly proved to be an enormous blessing. Fr Raniero set the scene beautifully in his morning talk encouraging the priests to be more expectant in faith and to enter more fully into the anointing of God. In the afternoon, Msgr Malagrecca from USA, shared from the perspective of a Parish Pastor. His reflections were powerful, practical, and pastoral. This was followed by a very moving testimony from Bp Luis Azcona. He works among the very poor in the Amazon region of N. Brazil. He shared about how his life had been transformed from being a priest with a social conscience trying to meet the needs of the people in his own way and strength to being a priest empowered by the Holy Spirit. He was now able in a fearless way to stand with the poor and be a voice for the powerless even at times risking his own life for the sake of the Gospel.
The final part of the day was led by Patti Mansfield from USA and Abp Alberto Taveira from Brazil. They led a time of prayer for a new release of the Holy Spirit. Patti encouraged the priests to be open to receive a new gift of tongues that would take them deeper in their prayer life and ministry. Abp Taveira asked the priests to stand with their arms held up, like in a position of surrender and he also asked the bishops present to come to the front of the basilica. The time of praying in tongues began in a gentle way but gradually built up into a strong crescendo as more priests were released in the gift and as the deeper anointing was released. As I looked out from the sanctuary at the line of bishops praying in the Spirit and I saw all the priests praying in surrender to the Holy Spirit, I sensed the Lord saying to me; ‘this is the Church’. Tears began to flow down my cheeks. I guess so many of us who have lived through some seemingly dry times in CCR never thought we would live a moment like this. I am sure that the grace filled moment that we lived on that day will flow out into thousands maybe millions of people’s lives through the ministries of all those priests and bishops.
The final Mass was celebrated by Cardinal Vallini, the General Vicar of His Holiness for the Diocese of Rome. We thanked him for making the Basilica available for us throughout the retreat. He spoke very warmly about the experience of the retreat and in a really powerful way he sent the priests out to share the Good News and the grace of the retreat with everyone that they meet.
We have asked priests to send us their testimonies from the retreat and we are now receiving these which is a real blessing. We hope to send them to the Holy Father as our way of saying thank you for all that he did to enable our 3rd worldwide Priests’ retreat to be so powerfully blessed.

Prophecy received on the 13 June 2015 after the prayer of invocation of the Holy Spirit during the 3rd Worldwide Priest Retreat which was held in Rome.
I saw a flame lit in the heart of each one of the priests, and in that moment the Lord was saying this:
‘’Today I have lit such a flame in your heart. Protect this fire and run to set ablaze the hearts of men and women of this century. Time is short. Be apostles of my fire and prepare the world for the Jubilee of the new Pentecost inside the Catholic Church.”
To watch the videos from this event please visit ICCRS WebTV
coming soon
3rd Worldwide Priests’ Retreat 2015 Leaflet download: Click here.
Click here to watch the Invitation for 3rd Worldwide Priests’ Retreat from Fr Raniero Cantalamessa
This event is for Bishops, Priests and Celibate Deacons
At this time of the Spirit in which the Church calls us to a New Evangelisation, the Catholic Charismatic Renewal offers to the presbyters an opportunity “to stir up the gift of God which is in them by the imposition of hands” (2 Tim 1:6) by participating in the 3rd Worldwide Priests’ Retreat. Organised by ICCRS and the Catholic Fraternity, this spiritual retreat is open to all Catholic ordained ministers of the various languages, races and nations, to live a renewed Pentecost in the heart of the Church.
The event will take place from 10 to 14 June 2015 in St. John Lateran Basilica – Rome, Italy and its theme is “Called to Holiness for a New Evangelisation”. Please see below for the cost information.
The event is NOT RESIDENTIAL. However, ICCRS and the Catholic Fraternity will offer a limited number of optional HB accommodation (dinner, breakfast and overnight) in Religious Houses and Hotels. Please see below for the cost information.
Also, in order to facilitate the participation of those coming from poor countries, who cannot afford the cost for accommodation, there will be the possibility to be hosted with families at no cost.
Of course, due to the limited number of rooms we can offer, the allocation will be done on the basis of “First registered, first served”.
An optional pilgrimage to the Holy Land is offered from 5 to 10 June.
The pilgrimage will start from the Tel Aviv Airport (arrivals Terminal) on June 5th in the afternoon. But you have the possibility to include in your registration a return flight Rome/Tel Aviv/Rome. The flight from Rome to Tel Aviv will leave on June 5th in the early afternoon. So, if you plan to join this flight, please choose your flight to Rome accordingly. The reception time limit at Fiumicino airport will be at 11:00am at the ‘meeting point’ at the Arrivals Terminal n° 3. The welcoming team in Tel Aviv and in Rome will have a visible sign with the logo of the retreat. The flight from Rome to Israel will be booked directly by our organization.
About the shuttle service in Rome
The shuttle service is available at Rome airports and railways stations ONLY on June 8, 9 and 10 (arrivals) and on June 14, 15 and 16 (departures) and ONLY if you book the accommodation in Rome with ICCRS/CF (Options B and C). In this case, once you choose among the various options for the shuttle you are requested to insert (in due time) your arrival and departure details. Only if and when you provide us your flight details we can assure you the shuttle service on your arrival and departure day.
- 3rd WORLDWIDE PRIESTS’ RETREAT: at St. John Lateran Basilica – Rome, Italy
“Called to Holiness for a New Evangelisation”.
Wednesday, 10/June · First day (afternoon): “Gathered”
Thursday, 11/June · Second day: “Reconciled”
Friday, 12/June · Third day: “Transformed”
Saturday, 13/June · Fourth day: “Empowered”
Sunday, 14/June · Fifth day (morning): “Sent… for a New Evangelisation”.
Speakers and celebrants:
His Holiness Pope Francis; H.E. Card. Pietro Parolin – Secretary of Vatican State; H.E. Card. Stanisław Rylko – President of the Pontifical Council for the Laity; H.E. Card. Beniamino Stella – Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy; H.E. Card. Peter Turkson – President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace; H.E. Card. Agostino Vallini – Vicar General of His Holiness for the diocese of Rome; H.E. Archbp. Alberto Taveira, Brazil – Spiritual Advisor of the Catholic Fraternity; H.E. Bp. José Luiz Azcona, Brazil – Diocese of Marajò; Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa, Italy – Preacher to the Papal Household; Don Livio Tacchini, Italy; Fr. Jonas Abib, Brazil; Mons. Joseph Malagreca, USA; Fr. Daniel Ange, France; Fr. Kevin Scallon, USA; Sr. Briege McKenna, USA; Patti Gallagher Mansfield, USA.
Friday, 05/June · Arrival at Tel Aviv airport – Transfer to Nazareth, dinner and overnight.
Saturday, 06/June · Nazareth: Basilica of the Annunciation (Holy Mass), Fountain of the Virgin, Synagogue – lunch – Mount Tabor, Cana. Dinner and overnight in Nazareth.
Sunday, 07/June · Tiberiade: Boat trip, Tabga, Mount of Beatitudes (Holy Mass) – lunch – Jericho, Dead Sea. Dinner and overnight in Bethlehem.
Monday, 08/June · Bethlehem: Nativity (Holy Mass), Shepherds’ field– lunch – Mount Zion. Dinner and overnight in Bethlehem.
Tuesday, 09/June · Jerusalem: Mount of Olives, Gethsemane (Holy Mass) – lunch – Old City (Via Dolorosa, Sepulcher). Dinner and overnight in Bethlehem.
Wednesday, 10/June · Jerusalem: Transfer to Tel Aviv and departures – packed lunch.
Retreat in Rome
- The registration fee (including lunches on June 11, 12, 13 and 14) is € 140 for those who register by 31st December 2014.
- The registration fee (including lunches on June 11, 12, 13 and 14) is € 160 for those who register from 1st January 2015 until April 5th 2015 (Easter).
- After April 5th 2015 (Easter), the registration fee (including lunches on June 11, 12, 13 and 14) will be € 180.
Note: “The registration fee is not refundable”. Registrations for participation into the event at €180 is open, payable by Credit Card/Paypal ONLY. If ICCRS do not receive your full payment by that date, your reservation will be cancelled.
Accomodation in Rome
If you would use the optional accommodation offered by ICCRS and the Catholic Fraternity, you may choose between staying in a Religious House (option B) or staying in a Hotel (option C).
- Option B costs €280,00 – in Religious House in double room – including half board accommodation from June 10 (dinner) to June 14 (breakfast), transport from/to Airport/House and transfers to/from the venue. The supplement for single room is €60,00.
- Option C costs €350,00 – in Hotel in double room – including half board accommodation from June 10 (dinner) to June 14 (breakfast), transport from/to Airport/Hotel and transfers to/from the venue. The supplement for single room is €100,00. (No more available from 9 May 2015)
- Also, if you are among those in financial needs, who could be hosted by a family at no cost. Please contact directly the ICCRS Office at events@iccrs.org to ensure a placement. Please note that, due to the very limited availability of accommodation, the allocation will be done on the basis of “First registered, first served”.
Pilgrimage (No more available)
- Pilgrimage in Holy Land (in double room) € 600
- Roundtrip Flight to Holy Land (Rome/Tel Aviv/Rome) € 400 (optional)
- Supplement single room € 100
Registrations for the Pilgrimage close on April 15th for those who need a visa for the Holy Land. Please click here to check visa requirements/exemptions for “Tourists to Israel”.