3 – 11 June 2006
Preparing for the 40th Anniversary of the CCR
Event Report
1. 2006 PENTECOST VIGIL WITH THE HOLY FATHER · St Peter’s Square – 3rd June 2006
The meeting with the Holy Father drew more than 400 000 members of the Ecclesial Movements to St. Peter’s Square (more than twice the number present 8 years ago). The event was a beautiful demonstration of unity in the diversity of the Catholic Church, and a fruitful sign of the renewing action of the Spirit. The central theme of the meeting was: “The beauty of being a Christian and the joy of communicating this”. “If we look at this assembly here in St Peter’s Square,” the Pope acknowledged in a homily centred on the works of the Spirit, “we realize that he inspires ever new gifts; we see how different are the bodies that he creates and how he works bodily ever anew”. “But in him multiplicity and unity go hand in hand,” he explained. “He breathes where he wills. He does so unexpectedly, in unexpected places and in ways previously unheard of. And with what diversity and corporality does he do so!”. “Diversity and unity are inseparable”, he assured. “He wants your diversity and he wants you for the one body, in union with the permanent orders-the joints-of the Church, with the successors of the Apostles and with the Successor of St Peter. He does not lessen our efforts to learn the way of relating to one another; but he also shows us that he works with a view to the one body and in the unity of the one body. It is precisely in this way that unity obtains its strength and beauty”. The Pope’s homily was followed by testimonies and reflections about the commitments that came forth from the Second World Congress of the Ecclesial Movements and New Communities that was held from 31 May to 2 June in Rocca di Papa (Rome). The theme of this Congress was the same as the theme of the Vespers gathering: “The beauty of being a Christian and the joy of communicating this”. The founders and the leaders of certain of the Ecclesial Movements addressed the Holy Father, and presented reflections on the Psalms and songs. At the end of the meeting Luis Fernando Figari (founder of “Movimento di Vita Cristiana”) and Patti Gallagher Mansfield (witness of the beginning of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal) addressed words of thanksgiving to the Pope. “You have cried out to the Church and the world ‘Deus Caritas Est!’ May we join you in proclaiming that Jesus Himself is indeed the pearl of great price and the treasure hidden in the field worth giving up everything else to possess (cf. Mt.13:46),” said Patti Mansfield, “Thank you, Holy Father, for calling us here to the heart of the Church, for it is here that we discover the vocation we share as ecclesial movements and new communities. Our vocation is love! Today we make our own the words of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, ‘In the heart of the Church, our Mother, we will be love!’.”
The following day, on Pentecost Sunday, after having participated in the Holy Mass with the Holy Father in St. Peter’s Square in the morning, the brothers and sisters of the CCR moved to the Palaghiaccio stadium in Marino, close to Rome, to celebrate the Holy Spirit together in a special way and to spread the “culture of Pentecost”. The meeting seemed like a new “upper room,” gathering more than 7 000 people. The theme of the celebration was “My soul magnifies the Lord” and the aim was to glorify God for the work that He continues to carry out daily in every one of his believers through the Holy Spirit. Allan Panozza, President of ICCRS, observed: “It is certainly a day of celebration, but it marks also a historic event in which all the Italian realities of the CCR gathered together to work and serve for this event. For nine months, these large groups have worked alongside one another and prayed together to carry out this grand meeting. It is wonderful to see how we continue to progress towards building unity in of the body of Christ”. There were two vibrant teachings, alternating with moments of reflection, listening, and testimonies from the Italian communities. The first teaching was given by Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa, O.F.M. Cap., preacher to the Papal household, who spoke about “The grace of the Holy Spirit”. Fr. Cantalamessa distinguished between to lines of action of the Holy Spirit. He spoke about the action of the Holy Spirit that we call “charismatic” which consists in His giving out particular gifts, not for the “spiritual progress” of a believer or as a “reward for the holiness” of those who receive them, but for “edifying a community”. Then there is the “transforming or sanctifying” action of the Holy Spirit, which is intended “for the transformation of the person”, so that he who experiences it emerges revitalized and “renewed”. “This transforming action of the Spirit is an experience, not an idea, of the Grace”, Fr. Cantalamessa explained. He went on to say that “…these two ways of acting of the Holy Spirit, which we’ve seen in the entire Bible and on the day of Pentecost, have been manifested dramatically in our times in the Charismatic Renewal”. In this way the Charismatic Renewal “has drawn out the Pentecostal charisms of the Church, precisely the ones we had lost sight of” and it could be considered as “God’s answer to the prayer of John XXIII for a new Pentecost” (the prayer of the Pope at the beginning of the Second Vatican Council). Fr. Tom Forrest CSSR, one of the pioneers of the experience of the CCR, followed with a teaching on “The power of the Holy Spirit in our life”. Fr. Tom proclaimed: “As one who lives in the desert has difficulty to imagine a waterfall, we can hardly comprehend the strength, the continuity and the generosity of the love of God. Like a waterfall, the Spirit of God flows continuously upon us… endlessly… beyond measure… incessantly. God gives us the supernatural strength of the Holy Spirit so that we can go to the world and perform extraordinary works to build the Kingdom of Heaven!”. The day of celebration concluded with a concert of music and dance presented by international artists: Martin Valverde (Latin American charismatic singer) from Mexico; the Antioka band from Italy; and “The Kkottonghae Group” (art & music group) from Korea.
Download the full teaching by Fr Tom Forrest, “The power of the Holy Spirit in our life” here: Forrest-The_power_of_the_Holy_Spirit_in_our_life
From 5 to 9 June ICCRS held an “Open Conference” at the Palaterme of Fiuggi. The Conference was entitled “CCR: yesterday, today and tomorrow” and was attended by more than 1 000 delegates from about 70 different countries. The Conference signalled the start of a period of preparation for the 40th anniversary of CCR which will take place in February 2007. There were many speakers who contributed to the Conference, all of whom were either leaders during the initial years of the CCR or are current leaders of the international CCR, namely: Allan Panozza and Bishop Joseph Grech from Australia; Kevin and Dorothy Ranaghan, Fr. Tom Forrest and Sr. Nancy Kellar from the USA; Fr. Diego Jaramillo and Moyses Azevedo from Latin America; Fr. Bart Pastor from Asia; Jean Pliya from Africa; and Charles Whitehead, Matteo Calisi and Kim Kollins from Europe. During these four days dedicated to the Holy Spirit there was a strong climate of togetherness, of brotherly sharing, of promoting communion, formation, and reciprocal edification, of being alive! The speakers insisted on the indispensable priority of the universal call to holiness of all the baptized. This call touches the members of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal directly, calling them to a deepening of their experience of faith, their experience of meeting and following Jesus Christ. We should strive to carry out every daily activity perfectly in the eyes of God, with the power of the Holy Spirit; to use the gifts that we have received, interceding with humility and obedience; to live an ongoing conversion with our eyes always fixed on the Kingdom of God and His justice.
From 9 to 11 June ICCRS held a special International Leaders’ Colloquium at the San Giorgio Hotel in Fiuggi. This prophetic colloquium, entitled “Maturing in the Spirit,” was attended by approximately 300 invited leaders. The aim of ICCRS for the Colloquium was to spend the weekend listening to the Lord, seeking His vision and plans for CCR worldwide for the third millennium. Click on the following link to download a brief report on the Colloquium:
In addition to the Leaders’ Colloquium, ICCRS also organised a guided pilgrimage to Assisi from 9 to 11 June. Approximately 300 delegates from the Open Conference left for Assisi on Friday afternoon to visit the holy sites of St. Francis. It was a special opportunity to extend, in prayer and contemplation, the extraordinary time of grace that started in Rome and Fiuggi.
On one hand these events provided the ideal opportunity for members of the CCR to get an overview of the journey of the CCR since 1967, and to create a greater awareness of the fruits of youth and vitality yielded by the Spirit in these 40 years since the closure of the Second Vatican Council. On the other hand, the events presented us, the CCR, with an opportunity to renew our intention to continue along this journey of service in front of the Holy Father. The CCR has shown itself to be a sign, a bright reflection, of the mystery of communion in the Church, ready to be the bearer of the mature fruits of communion and commitment, and to challenge Christian communities, parishes and dioceses from within. Download the ICCRS Newsletter August-October 2006 to have a full report on the events

coming soon
Event Information Archive
The full Council of International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services (ICCRS) is pleased to warmly invite you to join with us in celebrating the following events planned for Pentecost 2006:
1. 2006 PENTECOST VIGIL WITH THE HOLY FATHER · St Peter’s Square, 3rd June 2006
Following the memorable meeting in St. Peter’s Square on May 30th 1998 with Pope John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI has expressed his strong desire to also meet with all the Ecclesial Movements on the Vigil of Pentecost 2006, to continue the spiritual journey started by his beloved predecessor. In responding to this important invitation, ICCRS offers all its resources to facilitate a large attendance of members of the worldwide Charismatic Renewal.
To make Pentecost 2006 more memorable and to publicly glorify the Holy Spirit ICCRS together with Italian Charismatic Entities have planned a large gathering in an Arena in Rome. The day programme will include a Eucharistic celebration, preaching, testimonies and will conclude with a “Festival of Praise”, a variety concert with the participation of International artists and musicians.
With this “Open Conference” for all charismatics, ICCRS’s desire is to start the celebration for the 40th Anniversary of CCR from its beginnings in February 1967. It will be the occasion to reflect deeply on our origins as charismatics, to consider if we have been faithful to God’s purpose and to joyfully accept the challenges that the Holy Spirit gives us for the third millennium. Gifted speakers and ministries will lead in this spiritual journey.
A special gathering of up to 300 invited leaders will take place, during which ICCRS aims to listen to the Lord, seeking His vision and plans for CCR worldwide.
A great opportunity to visit a popular shrine with fellow charismatics, in a fully guided pilgrimage. An enriching experience.
The above events present a wonderful opportunity to share in the blessing of Pentecost with the worldwideCharismatic Family!!! Click on the link to download the full programmes of the events: programmes-pentecost2006_En
To participate, download the registration form here: Rome2006_form_en
We rejoiced when we heard that Pope Benedict XVI had expressed a desire to meet with all the Ecclesial movements on the Vigil of Pentecost 2006. I am sure that many of you will recall the previous gathering with Pope John Paul II in 1998. The new Holy Father clearly values the contribution that the Ecclesial Movements make to the life of the Church, and it will be a great privilege for us to celebrate Pentecost with him. This historic gathering is also very pertinent for us in the CCR as February 2007 marks our 40th anniversary. So we can use this Pentecost to be refreshed and enthused, and to develop a vision for all that the Holy Spirit has in store for the future. In response to the Holy Father’s invitation, ICCRS is organising a variety of events around Pentecost in preparation for our 40th anniversary. On 3 June, we will gather in St. Peter’s Square in Rome with members of other Ecclesial Movements for the Pentecost Vigil. Then, on Pentecost Sunday, there will be an opportunity for members of the world-wide CCR to join with thousands of brothers and sisters from Italian Charismatic realities to simply celebrate the goodness of the Lord in the power of the Holy Spirit. On 4 June, we will move to Fiuggi for the International Open Conference. This Conference will be a wonderful opportunity to experience coming together as brothers and sisters from the world-wide CCR. The Conference is open to all people, and so provides an opportunity for those who are new to the CCR to experience a large international gathering, as well as being a place for those who have attended previous events to meet again with old friends and forge new relationships in the Spirit. The programme will help us to look back and reflect upon the graces of the renewal over the last 40 years. Some of our speakers have been involved in the CCR since the beginning, for example Kevin and Dorothy Ranaghan and Fr. Tom Forrest. During the Conference we will also reflect upon the Baptism of the Spirit as a gift for the whole Church, and we will look at some of the challenges that are facing the CCR in the future. Our invited speakers are coming from all the continents, including Fr. Diego Jaramillo (Colombia), Fr. Bart Pastor (Philippines), and Charles Whitehead (England). There will also be contributions from the various members of the ICCRS Council. Following the Open Conference, we will be holding an International Leaders’ Colloquium from 9 – 11 June for up to 300 invited leaders. The aim of this Colloquium is to share and learn from each other, but also, perhaps more importantly, to listen to the Lord together and seek His vision and plans for the world-wide CCR. For those who are not attending the Leaders’ Colloquium, there will be optional pilrimages to Assisi or San Giovanni Rotondo. Of course, all of these plans mean nothing without people! We encourage all of you to think seriously during this special season of grace about participating in these events. Please try to respond favourably to the Holy Father’s invitation. We at ICCRS are doing all that we can to facilitate the coming together of large numbers of people from the world-wide CCR for this unique occasion and in preparation for our anniversary year. Further details about the events and a registration form are available on our website www.iccrs.org. Don’t waste any time! Mobilise your people now and let us make Pentecost 2006 a truly memorable occasion!
Michelle Moran
Don’t miss it! During my last meeting with His Excellency Monsignor Rylko, President of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, I was struck by the enthusiasm of the prelate in talking to me about the fantastic meeting to which the Holy Father has invited all the Ecclesial Movements; in order to celebrate the Vigil of the Solemnity of Pentecost with him on 3rd June 2006 in Saint Peter’s Square. In my heart, it brought back to me the voice of the pope saying to all who belong to the charismatic movements, “don’t miss it!” The appointment is too important. The witness to be given to the world today must be unequivocal: within the catholic laity the various ecclesial movements are a shattering force able to bring Christ to the humanity of the 3rd millennium, thirsting for God. The world of today reasons with numbers. Only the presence of a great river of men and women can move the soporific consciousness of a materialistic and indolent world “Don’t miss it”. Whatever charismatic movement you belong to, this invitation is for you. It is the Church which is calling you… and it is a priority for all. And there is another reason why you must not miss being in Rome at Pentecost 2006: on the Sunday there will be another extraordinary moment: a charismatic moment of truth: a feast day together in which we shall desire to give glory to Him, to the hidden God who knows us so well, the Holy Spirit. We shall meet in an arena in Rome with thousands of charismatics to testify to the world how much the Holy Spirit has done in our lives. It will also be a powerful time of evangelisation. The meeting will include the presence of Fr. Raniero di Cantalamessa, Fr Tom Forest, His Excellency Monsignor Grech, and Allan Panozza. It will conclude with a “Festival of praise”, a concert with a variety of artists from international personalities and ministries. Don’t miss it! And then… the international Conference opens with the theme “the Charismatic Renewal, yesterday, today and tomorrow”. This will take place at Fiuggi from 5th to 7th June and will mark the opening of the ICCRS celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Charismatic Renewal in the Catholic Church. Don’t miss it! And then… The international discussion for 300 personally invited charismatic leaders. A prophetic time for the future of the whole CCR. Don’t miss it! And to finish, choose from two pilgrimages to conclude the wonder of your journey to Italy: a guided visit to Assisi or to San Giovanni Rotondo Don’t miss it! For further information you are invited to visit our website www.iccrs.org or to telephone or write to ICCRS: Piazza della Cancelleria, 1
Don’t miss it… Remember, The Church is calling you… and we are expecting you.
Oreste Pesare