2-7 October 2018 – Fulda, Germany
by Dagmar Ludwig
The German CCR organizes a staff training programme every two years; this year it took a special shape: From October 2 to 7 an international ICCRS Intercession Course took place in Fulda, in the centre of Germany. The report is from the European CCR Info-Letter #312
It was an intensive Spirit-filled time. We were about 180 people. About 40 of them came from other countries: Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Czech Republic, Latvia, Rumania, Belgium and even Kenia and Australia. The whole programme was conducted in German and English. Several top-class speakers gave the input: Cyril John from India, member of the ICCRS-Intercession committee and former vice-president of the ICCRS Council, the former ICCRS president Michelle Moran, who is already well-known in the German Renewal, and Christof Hemberger, who is both the ICCRS vice-president and a member of the German NSC.
Bishop among friends
The Immanuel Lobpreiswerkstatt, the worship ministry from the largest German community, led us into marvelous worship times. Also, daily mass was an important element of our time. It was a gift to have seven priests participating in the programme. A highlight was the Eucharist with the auxiliary bishop Prof. Dr. Karlheinz Diez, who is presently the diocesan administrator of the Diocese of Fulda, where the event took place. He had celebrated mass with us at the German National Conference before and it was quite obvious that for him it was not just a call of duty but a visit among friends.
Pray for what is on God’s heart
A common thread of the course was: Intercession is not about a formula (“this is what intercession needs to like”) but about listening to God. We are not to pray for the things we consider important but for what is on God’s heart. To discern this, our relationship to God is of vital importance. Thus, the first morning was dedicated to a talk on repentance, followed by an extended time of Eucharistic Adoration with an opportunity for the sacrament of reconciliation. Many made use of this; in addition to the participating priests quite a few priests from the area had come to serve us.
Freed from our personal burdens and with a pure heart, we were then able to focus on our theme: “How to take Jesus as a model and stand in the gap in intercession“. We also covered the following topics: “Prophetic intercession”, “Charisms in intercession”, “Spiritual warfare in intercession”, etc. Especially Cyril John kept giving impressive examples of how God guides people very concretely in intercession using them to change situations.
Of course we did not only speak about intercession. Several times, we met in small groups to pray. At first we were given a specific country to pray for. Then we were told to listen to God which country we should intercede for. The experiences of the groups varied greatly; some were surprised to find a consensus right away; in others, each one had a different country in the beginning and it was a bit more complex to come to an agreement… The next time we were only told to ask God what we should pray for. However, Cyril John had given us specific steps to follow in our intercession time. Finally, on Saturday afternoon we went out in groups to intercede in various locations in the area and in the city of Fulda. After each prayer time, we had a feedback time. It was fascinating to hear how God had led each group in a great variety of ways.
Other highlights were several prayer evenings with a focus on stretching out to God and his Holy Spirit afresh. Many were touched by him, and we also ministered to each other in prayer and by receiving words and pictures for one another. And of course there was also a lot of praise and worship.
Starting point for new fruitfulness
In the last talk, the foundations of our personal relationship to God were underlined once again – on this basis we can grow in our lives and ministries as well as in intercession. Because this is the only way how we will remember these blessed days in Fulda not just as a “great conference” but as a starting point for new fruitfulness in intercession and in our life and ministry in general. With the challenge to let God show each one personally how exactly he is calling us to be involved and continue to grow in this ministry of intercession, we were sent back home into our everyday lives on Sunday after lunch.
Dagmar Ludwig

Event Slideshow
2 – 7 October 2018
“Pray in the Spirit at all times in every prayer and supplication” (NRSV). – “You did not choose me but I chose you” (NRSV).
From 2 – 7 October 2019, there will be an International Training Course on Intercession, called: “A call to prophetic Intercession” held in Fulda, Germany.
The ICCRS Intercession Training Course, which is a one-week school, is the concrete realization of the desire to form a large family of intercessors worldwide. Intercession, being at the heart of evangelization and mission, is well rooted in the Catholic tradition. It concerns all Christians, not just those who are members of a particular group or movement.
St. Paul, as with the Ephesians Christian community, makes this appeal: “Pray in the Spirit at all times in every prayer and supplication” (Ep 6:18). May that request be an invitation for us to turn to the Father, in the Spirit of Jesus.
The course includes Mass, Holy Hour and charismatic praise and worship on a daily basis, as well as silent Eucharistic adoration, intercessory rosary, various talks on intercession, intercession outreach in groups/prophetic intercession in groups, and so on.
- Growth in holiness
- Development of trust in God in all things
- Deeper spiritual reflection
- Meditation on the life of Jesus, the main intercessor
- Full opening to the Holy Spirit, who is dwelling in us, strengthens us and gives us all the tools necessary for intercession
Several topics will be discussed such as:
- What is intercession? Deepening our understanding
- The call and urgency of intercession
- Spiritual warfare in intercession
- The repentant intercessor
- Prophetic intercession
- Suffering and intercession
- The four wheels of intercession: Personal prayer, Word of God, Sacraments and fellowship
- Tools for effective intercession
Requirements for participation:
- Brief curriculum vitae with evidence of leadership background
- Letter of recommendation from your National Service Committee or leaders of your community
- Letter of recommendation from your parish priest or spiritual director
- One passport photo
- Please bring small and big country flags as well.
- This training is open to all. The official language of the course will be English with German Translation
Gemeindezentrum Kuenzell
Hahlweg 32-36, 36093 Künzell
(in the Diocese of Fulda)
May the Holy Spirit inspire the creation of ministries and intercessory centers in the Church to “stand in the gap” before God and intercede for the coming of God’s Kingdom.