Leadership Training Course (LTC)
One-week of intensive leadership training
“Take strength from the grace which is in Christ Jesus. Pass on to reliable people what you have heard from me through many witnesses, so that they in turn will be able to teach others.” 2 Tim 2:1-2
The ICCRS Leadership Training Course, which is a one week school, is a way to help foster Leadership in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal worldwide. ICCRS is pleased to partner with local Charismatic realities in order to provide this week-long programme that will call and empower new leaders as well as strengthen and encourage current leaders.
The course includes Mass, holy hour and charismatic praise and worship on a daily basis. In addition there will be periods of time throughout the programme for fellowship and community building, as well as opportunities for the participants to receive ministry.

Why an LTC?
The first segment of ICCRS’ leadership formation was the establishment of the three week program in Rome, the Leadership Formation Institute. The program was met with real enthusiasm from those who attended. The most common question we were asked was, “why can we not take this experience with us? Can ICCRS produce this programme in our home countries?”
Obviously, it was not possible to take the Vatican personnel, and the Coliseum travelling all over the world. Yet the demand for this kind of formation was so strongly asked for, that a condensed programme was created, offering the essence of the three week programme in a one week, condensed format.
The subject matter is the same, though as one can imagine, is not able to go to the same depths and breadth as the longer Institute.
But this programme is able to go around the world! By being local and of a shorter duration, many more people can afford both the time and finances to participate in this programme. Many have come for the one week course to “get a taste” of the formation work of ICCRS, then decide to attend the fuller programme in Rome.
We are very happy with the way the one week program is being attended around the world and hope you will join us for a “taste of Rome” right in your area!

The goal of the LFI is to train leaders and potential leaders in serving the Church in the Power of the Holy Spirit. We provide this programme locally and in the span of one week in order to make the information and experience as available to as many people as possible.
- Give people a theological and ecclesial foundation for service.
- Give people practical and helpful information, about serving the Church deepening the charismatic dimension.
- Give people an opportunity to experience the transforming power of God’s love.
- Create a network for people to share experience, support, and resources.
Our vision is to have capable leaders, located all over the world, using the charisms for service to the Church. We see a worldwide network of men and women who have a common experience and understanding of leadership formation and service, who serve the Church and the world with their gifts, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

In the area of Teaching the Foundations/Passing on the Vision we will offer the following:
- Ecclesiology gives us a most basic understanding of the Church we are part of and are desperate to serve. Key teaching points include: a brief time-line of the Church, how the Church sees herself, leadership/authority structure in the Church, Vatican II.
- Baptism in the Holy Spirit helps us understand and appreciate what this gift is and its implication for us and the Church. Key teaching points include: An understanding of the Holy Spirit, role of Holy Spirit in the life of an individual and in the Church, charismatic experience of the Holy Spirit compared to sacramental experience of Holy Spirit, the experience of baptism in the Holy Spirit.
- CCR gives an understanding of the movement and its functions as a servant of the Holy Spirit. Key teaching points include: A brief history of activity of the Holy Spirit in the Church prior to beginning of CCR, a brief history of the CCR since 1967, ecumenical aspects of CCR, CCR demographics, fruit of CCR, Papal approval of CCR, CCR today, ICCRS.
- Theology of Mission points us outward, looking to the world which Jesus spoke of “Go forth and make disciples of all nations…” (Mt 18:29). Key teaching points include: Jesus’ command to evangelise, the Church’s teaching on evangelisation, the heart of a missionary.

In the area of Practicum we will offer the following:
1. Elements of a prayer meeting (I): Structure and format of prayer meeting, welcoming people, prophetic gifts/charisms during a prayer meeting.
2. Elements of a prayer meeting (II): Praise and worship, giving a teaching.
3. Elements of a prayer meeting (III): Prayer ministry, dealing with problems.
4. Evangelisation: basic techniques.
5. Life of a Leader (I): Essential qualities, charisms, and character traits of a leader.
6. Life of a Leader (II): Temptations, traps, pitfalls, and dangers for leaders. The need to honestly know ourselves.
7. Life of a Leader (III): Things leaders need to attend to in their own lives.
8. Life of a Leader (IV): Raising up new leaders/empowering others for ministry.
The programs of Reflection and Ministry would offer the following topics:
1. The Father: accepting the reality of the Fathers’ love, how to live as a child of the Father.
2. Jesus: The role of Jesus, the person of Jesus, living under the Lordship of Jesus.
3. The Holy Spirit: The Wind and Fire from above. The Counselor.
4. The Body of Christ: Finding the presence of God in the Church… and the world!
5. The Good News: A basic and joyful proclamation of the Gospel.
Requirements for Participation
- One passport photo.
- Brief curriculum vitae with evidence of a leadership background.
- Letter of recommendation from your National Service Committee or leaders of your Community.
- Letter of recommendation from your parish priest or spiritual director.
Upcoming Programs
Leadership Training Course – Seattle 2016
“Take strength from the grace which is in Christ Jesus. Pass on to reliable people what you have heard from me through many witnesses, so that they in turn will be able to teach others.” 10 – 17 April 2016 Language: EnglishReportComing soon!PhotosArchive The...

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