20 December 2011
ICCRS Director’s first visit to Uganda —wrote to us the NST— came with a fresh breeze of the Holy Spirit for the Renewal in the African country. The National Service Team had organized a National Leaders Conference from 13th–16th October, 2011 with the theme “Back to the Roots”. Three hundred leaders of prayer groups, ministries, service teams and communities had been expected to attend but instead 500 leaders participated. This was far beyond the capacity of Emmaus Centre, Katikamu —the venue of the conference. With much struggle, the Community was able to find a place for everybody. The Holy Spirit manifested himself very tangibly at the Conference. We had powerful prophecies, healings, deliverances and even phenomena such as resting in the Spirit while others manifested drunkenness just as on Pentecost day. Tired and burnt out leaders received a refreshing of the Holy Spirit and went back home with a new zeal and resolve to serve the Church and the Renewal in Uganda with a new commitment. Oreste Pesare also inaugurated the Committee charged with the responsibility of organizing the first ever ICCRS worldwide event in Africa to be held in Uganda in July 2014. After the conference, the Director had the chance to visit the new facilities of the House of Love, a home for children who are orphaned and abandoned and are HIV/AIDS positive. This ongoing project is fruit of the labour of the ICCRS Project Fund.