18 May 2012
Pope Benedict XVI –according to the Vatican Press Office announcment on May 14th, 2012– appointed Salvatore Martinez as consultor to the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelisation. He, among other consultors —like Ralph Martin and Moysés Azevedo–, will give assistance to the dicastery on particular issues in the new evangelisation field. We are happy that another member of the CCR has been called to serve the Church at this important level in Vatican. Click here to read the full text of the announcement.
Salvatore Martinez
Salvatore Martinez was born in Enna (Italy) and is the President of Rinnovamento nello Spirito Santo (RnS), an ecclesial association with groups and communities in the all the Italian dioceses.
Renowned speaker, composer of sacred music and author of various books of spirituality, he is also President of Istituto di Promozione Umana “Mons. Francesco Di Vincenzo”, dedicated to the service of inmates and ex-convicts. Appointed since 2008 as consultor to the Pontifical Council for the Laity and since 2009 consultor to the Pontifical Council for the Family, now the Holy Father appointed him as one of the consultors to the new dicastery in Vatican for the New Evangelization. May the Lord use him for the good of His Church!