1 January 2006
Operation “Upper Room” 2006
An ICCRS 17 days Special Project for Pentecost
“Oh, if only…unanimous and fervent prayers could be raised to Heaven in every part of Christendom, as they were one in the Cenacle [upper room] of Jerusalem for a rekindling of the Divine Spirit” ~ Blessed Elena Guerra
A 17 days ICCRS Burning Bush Prayer Project beginning Ascension, May 25th through the Pentecost Events in Rome ending June 11th
This is an invitation to “Return to the Upper Room” in adoration and intercession. The various themes can be prayed by: spontaneous prayers, praying in the Spirit — gift of tongues, prayers of repentance, thanksgiving and blessings, etc, in a variety of ways. Other intentions can be added, as the Holy Spirit leads. It is prayer united in contemplation of the Eucharistic mystery in the power of the Holy Spirit and His Gifts.
This ICCRS project consists of 3 parts:
I – Promotion of the Pentecost Novena
On the prompting of Blessed Elena, Pope Leo XIII asked all the faithful to celebrate a solemn novena (9 days of prayer) perpetually between Ascension and Pentecost for the unity of Christianity. (www.burningbushinitiative.com)
II – Burning Bush Intercessory Teams during the Pentecost events
including day and night adoration and intercession
Local teams will be coordinated by Fr. Alberto Pacini and Kim Catherine-Marie Kollins at the Basilica of St. Anastasia in Rome. (www.adorazioneperpetua.it )
III – A World-Wide “Upper Room” 24 hours /17 Days — United Prayer Net
A timetable will be coordinated by a German CCR Youth community – for all NSC’s, prayer groups, communities, individuals wanting to participate. You may contact Johannes Hartl at johannes@revival.de .
“The first well-spring of renewing action is prayer, which connects us with the Spirit of Christ who is “He who renews the face of the earth”. ~ Blessed Elena Guerra
The vision:
To form a world-wide day and night prayer net — 24 hrs a day /17 days long — to pray for international events in Rome in adoration and intercession from different locations in different nations and on different continents. We will try to weave a dense world-wide web as possible. There are different models which CCR groups, communities or individuals can use for this special prayer event of Operation “Upper Room” 2006, beginning Ascension, May 25th through the Pentecost Events in Rome ending June 11th.
Get involved:
Become “Burning Bushes” of prayer and cover the international Pentecost events in Rome on continental and national level in adoration and intercession. Whether you are coming to Rome this Pentecost to participate in the invitation of Benedict XVI to all the Ecclesial Movements to join him on the Vigil of Pentecost in the Upper Room of St. Peter’s Square – or not; all can participate in a very important way – by prayer – the first well-spring of renewing action.
All in the CCR are invited to become involved: NSC’s, communities, groups and individuals.
Possible Models:
- Prayer Summits / Prayer Nights: Groups meeting for one day or a night to adore and interceding for events above. (see www.iccrs.org for details)
- Prayer Chains: a Group covering 1 or 2 days with people praying individually at home in different places or in one central place.
- Pentecost Novena: 9 days of prayer, 26th May to 3rd June or Pentecost Triduum – 3 days of prayer preceding Pentecost, 1st – 3rd June (www.burningbushinitiative.com)
- Individuals committing themselves to cover hours or days by interceding individually.
How to participate:
A timetable will be coordinated by a German CCR Youth community — all who feel called to join in “Upper Room 24/17” including NSC’s, prayer groups, communities, individuals, please e-mail Johannes with the date and time your will be praying (in one hour units) . You may contact Johannes Hartl at johannes@revival.de
We at ICCRS, encourage the worldwide CCR world to participate in this special 17 days ICCRS Burning Bush Pentecost prayer project. Let us become one in the “Upper Room” with prayers of adoration and intercession asking the Lord to renew the outpouring of His Holy Spirit on His Church in these days of Pentecost. Let us grow in unity by joining our prayers and asking for the Lord’s blessing on the work of the CCR as well.
Oreste Pesare
Director of ICCRS

Special Prayer Intention for Pentecost 2006
This year’s special daily intention is for Pope Benedict XVI and the Pentecost Vigil with the Holy Father with all the Ecclesial Movements; also for all the Pentecost events that will be held by the Pontifical Council for the Laity and the different movements during this time, including the ICCRS events in Rome, Fiuggi and their pilgrimage, as well as interceding for the ongoing viability of ICCRS, and blessings for its work.
Event 1:
International Congress of Lay Movements
31 May – 2 June 2006
Event 2:
Pentecost Vigil
3 June 2006
Event 3:
ICCRS Pentecost Day Celebration
4 June 2006
Event 4:
ICCRS International Open Conference
5-9 June 2006
Event 5:
ICCRS Leaders’ Colloquium
9-11 June 2006
Event 6:
ICCRS Pilgrimage to Assisi
9-11 June 2006