November 1983
Last November, Rev. David DuPlessis (“Mr. Pentecost”) received the Benemerenti Medal for “meritorious service” to Christianity. The gold medal and certificate were presented in the Vatican by Cardinal Willebrands of the Secretariat for Christian Unity, to manifest the appreciation of the Holy See for the Pentecostal leader’s ministry of “forgiveness and unity” among all Christians.
Fr. Kilian McDonnell, OSB was also presented with the “Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice” award for this extraordinary service to the cause of Christian unity “as a scholarly and balanced theologian”. Fr. McDonnel has been joint-chairman of the Vatican-Pentecostal Dialogue over several years, and is the author of several books on the Charismatic Renewal. His 3-volume work, “Presence, Power and Praise” brought together 104 official documents of various churches regarding the Renewal.
Taken from the ICCRS Newsletter, July-August 1984