1 March 2000
The year 2000 is the opportune time for the publication of this book.
It collects what the Church has said and written, in the person of the Holy Father, about the Catholic Charismatic Renewal over the last thirty years. From the first words by Paul VI to the last heard in Fiuggi (Rome), by Pope John Paul II, this book is a really precious document. The book includes a good selection of photographs to illustrate the meetings between the Popes and the leaders of the CCR to make them more vivid.
A particular note should be made about the Appendix. Besides the Decree of approval, by the Pontifical Council for the Laity, of the ICCRS, together with the Statutes, a long and in depth statistical study of the Charismatic Renewal as a whole has been included.
Taken from the ICCRS Newsletter, March-April 2000