11 May 2018
Click here: CHARIS Statutes and supporting documents
Dear Friends
At the vigil of Pentecost 2017, during our Golden Jubilee celebrations, the Holy Father reminded us that ‘fifty years is a good moment in life to stop and reflect….and I will say to you: it is the moment to ahead with greater strength, leaving behind the dust of time that we allowed to accumulate, thankful for what we have received and facing the new with trust in the action of the Holy Spirit’.
So, we are now in a new season for Catholic Charismatic Renewal. As part of this, the Holy Father expressed the desire for ICCRS and Catholic Fraternity to work towards establishing one new service for all the expressions of Catholic Charismatic Renewal. To this end, in April 2016, he appointed Pino Scafuro and Michelle Moran, assisted by two secretaries: Julia Torres and Oreste Pesare, to enable the vision to become a reality. Indeed, at the Jubilee, the Constitutive Act was signed.
After Easter, we sent all the supporting documents and the Statutes of this new body, which is called CHARIS, to all the leaders worldwide. Now we are publishing the documents here on our website, as we wish to spread the communication about this important new service. We want everyone to share in this exciting vision. Now is the time to ‘widen the space of the tent…to burst out to the right and left’ (Is 54:2). At The Olympic stadium, in Rome June 2014, Pope Francis made it clear what he expects of us. Among other things, he asked us to ‘share with everyone in the Church the grace of baptism in the Holy Spirit’. It is our hope that the service of CHARIS will enable Catholic Charismatic Renewal to grow and develop and be equipped for our mission. Now is the time to build closer relationships and foster unity in diversity within the Charismatic family at the international, national and local levels.
We ask you to carefully read all these documents. The supporting texts enable you to understand the statute. Then, we encourage you be in contact with us directly so that we can receive your feedback and deal with any questions.
May we all continue to be led by the Holy Spirit in this exciting new season.
Michelle Moran |
Pino Scafuro |
Oreste Pesare |
Julia Elena Torres |